Universal Structure to Perform the Ceremony

participatory installation, 215.278 ft², fabric, stools, streaming camera, monitor , Wrocław 2011

This site-specific installation was created for the exhibition ‘Everything in its Place’ at MD_S Gallery on July 7, 2011. Viewers were divided into two groups: one inside of the structure of stretched white fabric with 12 head size holes for 12 participants; the other in a separate room watching what was happening inside the actual installation room via a monitor with the only sounds being those carried from the neighboring room. 

However, the installation was also part of a master’s thesis defense. The guests, jury, and defender were invited to insert their heads through openings in a fabric, reducing the presence of their body to only their head and facial expressions, effectively minimizing all signs of difference in stature, and status. While this achieved the purpose of placing everyone on equal level, the strangeness of the act simultaneously emphasizes the absurdity of the rigid formalities of the defense.


photos courtesy of Peter Kreibich