Plant Passport
“History of Art in Tomatoes”, Wrocław : Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu : Galeria Entropia. Instytucja Kultury Miasta Wrocław, 2021
“Plant Passport” was made for Tomasz Opania’s “History of Art in Tomatoes”,"Potatoes Blight" exhibition at Entropia Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland. An Egg Tomato (Eiertomaten) is a German plant that traveled by Japanese Toyota to Poland. It came from Der Holländer (Pflanzencenter GmbH, Am Treptower Park 74, Berlin), to a temporary garden of Entropia Gallery (Rzeźnicza 4, 50-129 Wrocław) traversing 338 km (210.023 miles). “Commission Directive 92/105/EEC of 3 December 1992 establishing a degree of standardization for plant passports tobe used for the movement of certain plants.
”Requirements for standard Plant Passport:
- Upper left corner – Color, black on white EU flag;
- Upper right Upper right corner - 'Plant Passport' in Englishand, if relevant, another official language of the EU
- Part A: Botanical name or product name, optional – variety;
- Part B: Two-letter country code (for Germany – DE).
- Part C: The traceability code of the plantPart D: Name(s) of the third country/countries of origin.
Press Release
Press: Art Info Szum Galeria Entropia