Mega Mop
object made to fit mega mop owned by Veronica, 2024
This object was made as a respns to the “Unlearning Exercises” show created by Chris Reeves & Lauren Sudbrink at Roots & Culture Contemporary Art Center, Chicago .
“This is a show about unlearning certain ways of doing certain things. The title is both literal and wordplay: Reeves presents objects and materials that have their typical uses subverted or discreet uses revealed to mine our various conditions of social standardization; Sudbrink recontextualizes the gestures from aerobics and exercise ephemera away from their biopolitical address into great conceptual possibilities. Working together in this exhibition, Reeves and Sudbrink use recordings, photographs, performances, found expanded scores, writings, musical instruments, and archival documents to propose and illustrate ways of making that play with and against habits and presupposed notions of ecstatic creativity. In this participatory and collaborative exhibition, Reeves and Sudbrink propose possibilities to recenter the production of knowledge, to deskill and reskill in order to creatively imagine and encourage new skills. “Unlearning Exercises” isn’t against reproducing practical knowledge, but gently contests standardized notions of what constitutes it, in the arts or otherwise. Things are not one way, we are not one thing, so why should knowledge (and the search for new knowledges, e.g. art) be reproduced as immutable?”
Chris Reeves